Privacy Policy

Last updated May 2024

At IntelliNode, we are committed to your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we may collect and how we use, store, and protect it

What information do we collect?

IntelliNode collects basic information when you use our cloud services, we may collect your email address for account creation and management purposes. However, we do not collect names or other personally identifiable information unless explicitly provided by you.

Each user's data is stored in a dedicated database, ensuring isolation and enhanced security. All keys and passwords are securely encrypted to protect your information.

The open source version of IntelliNode does not collect any user details, while only the cloud service requires an email address for integration purposes.

Use of Information

We anonymize user data whenever possible to safeguard privacy. Your information will never be shared with third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law.

Use of Cookies

To ensure a smooth and personalized user experience, IntelliNode uses a minimal amount of cookies. These cookies are used primarily for session management and to remember user preferences. We do not use cookies for tracking purposes or to collect any personal information beyond what is necessary for the operation of our services.